First Steps
Movement Classes for Ages 2-5
Our Early Childhood Dance Classes in Newton, Ma are designed to introduce young dancers to the world of dance in a playful and comfortable setting. Dance can be a fun and exciting activity for children. But what a child learns in a dance class is so much MORE THAN just the STEPS we teach them! With every lesson, they are also working on improving their balance, coordination, listening skills, and locomotor skills, and they are learning how to work well with other children in a team setting as well as learning how to follow directions. These are all important components in every single class as well as important skills for every developing young child. Our instructors at Creative Steps Dance Studio have developed a curriculum that will teach the dancers age appropriate skills in a fun, imaginative way while challenging their growing minds and bodies. Contact us today to get started!
2 - 3
An imaginative and fun caregiver & me style class designed to let your child explore the many different ways to move. Through music, song, and stories these movers will focus on developing their balance, coordination and gross motor skills. All skills are taught with the use of lively upbeat music and various props such as bean bags, scarves, hula hoops, ribbons and more! Parents/Guardians are asked to enter the room and join in on all the fun!

3 - 4
This class brings music and song to life while we find ways to move our bodies. We will focus on coordination, balance, and gross motor skills through the use of props like ribbons, instruments, hoops, and more! These movers will also learn some basic pre-ballet skills in a creative and upbeat way! We will also be working on our listening skills as well as learning to take turns.

4 - 5
Ballet and tap dance skills. Moving our bodies to fun music while really working on our balance and coordination. We also start to teach them how to make patterns and string steps and directions together. A key skill for these almost kindergartens!

4 - 5
This engaging, high energy, and FUN class will really get your kiddos moving! We teach the fundamentals of hip hop in a very age appropriate manor. We will use a lot of jazz technique to introduce the art of hip hop to these young dancers. We also explore our creative side with some fun movement games. Class ends with the ever popular obstacle course to really work on our coordination and linking dance movements together.

3 - 5
If your child loves to explore the world from upside down then this is the class for them! We will teach the basics of tumbling but in a fun and creative approach. We will practice our skills through an obstacle course to make sure the kids are having fun the whole time! We also sprinkle in some creative dance games and fitness skills.

5 - 6
A combo class that gives your child many different ways to move! Learning Ballet, Jazz and Tap dance skills in this class all while improving our musicality, memory, balance and coordination. We spend just enough time on each subject to keep their interest and keep their bodies moving. Adding in creative dance games allows the dancers time for self expression, a skill that is important to develop at this age.

5 - 7
This engaging, high energy, and FUN class will really get your kiddos moving! We teach the fundamentals of hip hop in a very age appropriate manor. Using our strong bodies we will also learn some breakdance moves. We also make sure to end every class with a free movement game to allow the dancers a chance to work on their self expression.