Rising Stars
Dance Classes Ages 12 - 18
Our Rising Stars Dance Classes at Creative Steps Dance Studio are designed for everyone! We believe anyone with a body can learn how to dance. We offer Teen classes for even the most beginner student. It is never too late to learn to love dance, movement and music. Dance class can also be a safe space for teens to build life long friendships. What a child learns in a dance class is so much MORE THAN just the STEPS we teach them! With every lesson, they are also working on improving their balance, coordination, memorization, and confidence, and they are learning how to work well with other teens in a team setting. Our instructors have developed a curriculum that will teach the dancers age-appropriate skills in a fun, non-stressful way while challenging their growing minds and bodies. Contact us today to learn more!
12 +
This engaging, high energy, and FUN class will really get your teens moving! We teach the fundamentals of hip hop in an age appropriate manor. Also working on strength and coordination we will add in some breakdance tricks to our class. Hip Hop dance is a fun, high energy class that may also resemble the ever popular scenes from TikTok.

12 +
The style of Lyrical is a combination of Ballet and Jazz fused together. It is a graceful, yet powerful form of dance. The word Lyrical means expression. Students will express themselves and tell a story through their movement.

12 +
Contemporary Dance Classes are one of our most popular styles of dance. These classes pull from all styles of dance. There is a lot of foundational modern dance, floor work, rounding of the upper body, and most importantly emotion. Each class will begin with a full body warm up. Students will then string along movements into patterns traveling across the dance floor working on their leaps, jumps and turns. Ending class with a dance routine where the students will be asked to emote feelings through their movements.

12 +
Musical Theatre Dance incorporates Jazz dance alongside music from the Broadway Stage. Students will start with a high energy warm up. Next dancers will engage in acting games in which they have to portray a character or a scene using dance movements. Finishing off class with a high energy dance routine set to Showtunes. This class is great for any students who are interested in participating in their school musicals and plays.

12 +
Jazz classes feature high energy movements such as leaps, turns and jumps. We set this class to popular and upbeat music. Students will work on coordination and isolating different body parts.
12 +
Tap classes are a great way to work on rhythm, timing and musicality. Students will work on creating rhythmical patterns with their feet. It is a great way to build their coordination.